Editing Video Clips

The way that we do video clip editing is that you usually start with a longer stream such as:

The longer stream usually consists of several topics, and in the video description you can see a list of the topics:

In airtable, when a video is assigned to you, you will see the name of the topic:

For example, the "Notifications are unprofessional" one here. You can fast forward to that section in the video and that's where that topic starts.

From there, all you need to do is remove dead space in the video to tighten it up, grab the hook (the writer should have identified the hook prior to the content being asigned to you), put the hook in the front, then the logo, then the rest of the video.

Note that previously we were trying to limit video length to 2:20, we are no longer doing that.

Example of finished clip (that facial expression lol):

The place where the video clip is uploaded to is determined by the Channel field. For example, the Notifications are unprofessional content is going to the Commerce Hero channel. In the Channels tab you can see the link to that youtube channel:

Once you upload the clip to youtube, you can populate the Youtube URL field, Youtube Publish Date and Video Editing Billed Minutes fields and then the content should disappear from your view. If it doesn't disappear from your view, that means you still need to do something on it.

Last updated