
When we review content that you create, we may have some feedback for you on it for anything from little mistakes like typos to changes in tone or style that we may want to see.

You'll get a notification in Slack in the content channel which will include a link to your Feedback view:

When you click on the airtable link to your Feedback view you'll see this:

You can see the feedback, the content that it is referencing, the status will be set to Submitted Feedback, and if there is any screenshot available that will be there too.

From here you can either:

  • Resolve the issue - if it doesn't take too long, go ahead and correct the content referenced by editing the post, etc. Set status to Resolved.

  • Note for the future - if it's not a major issue and is time consuming to change, you can simply note the feedback for future content and set to status Noted, will keep in mind for next content.

  • If you have any feedback that you want to share you can put that in the Team Reply field.

Once you change the status of the feedback it will disappear from your view. If you need to get back to it, you can change your view to the Overview view.

Last updated